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Mei Yun 
星期六, 五月 24, 2008 04:43  回覆

我是某醫學中心的呼吸治療師,最近教授一直強調噘嘴式吐氣,我們稱之為 Pursed Lip Breathing,在吐氣時噘起嘴唇慢慢吐氣,可以避免小支氣管扁掉,因為速度快壓力小,大支氣管有軟骨支撐,但小支氣管沒有軟骨,吐氣流速過快會使其扁掉,如此吐氣不完全,造成淺而快呼吸(喘),所以Pursed Lip Breathing可以改善換氣,當然就比較不會喘了.
Pursed lip breathing is one of the simplest ways to control shortness of breath. It provides a quick and easy way to slow your pace of breathing, making each breath more effective.

When should I use this technique?
Use this technique during the difficult part of any activity, such as bending, lifting or stair climbing.

Practice this technique 4-5 times a day at first so you can get the correct breathing pattern.

Pursed lip breathing technique
1. Relax your neck and shoulder muscles.

2. Breathe in (inhale) slowly through your nose for two counts, keeping your mouth closed. Don't take a deep breath; a normal breath will do. It may help to count to yourself: inhale, one, two.(鼻子吸氣)

3. Pucker or "purse" your lips as if you were going to whistle or gently flicker the flame of a candle.

4. Breathe out (exhale) slowly and gently through your pursed lips while counting to four. It may help to count to yourself: exhale, one, two, three, four. (嘴巴吐氣)
呼吸: Respiration
吸氣: Inspiration 吸入: Inhale
吐氣: Expiration 吐出: Exhale