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Tina Lain 
星期一, 四月 17, 2006 06:33  回覆

Dear Teacher:

I saw your heart so kindness and such thoughtful to care about weakness peoples in last Sun. class. It's so touching. I did not want to sad you more, so did not tell you that 美卿 had pass away on last Sat. She called me on last Thurs. that she wished to see me. By that time, I had strange feeling that something must happen. I decided to see her on the next following day. I feel so bad that I did not share more time with my dear friend. She looked so skinny. The whole body just likes a skeleton bone. How weakness when people got canner. I really bless everyone in the class own a healthy body to see the beautiful world. And teacher, I know you are a sensitive person, I like to say to you " 加油!" We need you to continue guiding us and let your Spanish dance contiuing growing in TWN. "Hurrahing" teacher and everyone in the class!

Cheers, Tina Lain