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星期六, 十二月 5, 2015 09:38  回覆



It is my first time to join this spring fair. i can strongly feel this big family so warm. Not like in the class, everybody came here with a ease. Before getting inside, I can smelled pleasant food which has been preparing for our lunch later. What I was seeing was all the members enjoyed the pleasure moment together. They were dancing, signing, playing, and taking. I also saw other members from other counties joining us. It was my first time seeing them and I were happier. During the lunch time, we took some big shrines and pizzas. They are so delicious.

After lunch, the professor invited us to her living house to take some tea and watch a film related to Flamenco Dance as an additional motivation for learning. The dancers in this film showed their professional, powerful, and clear moves. it was definitely stunning. I took this as a role model to keep me up. The end of activity, we said thank you to professor and goodbye to each other with a big grin.