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星期六, 三月 14, 2015 13:57  回覆

Thank you, Professor Hsu, for having me to be part of your family. Since I saw my two lovely cousins did the flamenco dance so well in the family gathering for entertainment. I was inspired. I asked myself “how can you make such little kids have a great dance with a focus?” Professor Hsu did it!

That is why I was eager to be taught under Professor Hsu. Last Sunday was my first class as a flamenco student. Professor Hsu introduced me to all the members. Thanks all for welcoming me and leading me. That was so kind. All of them were very friendly; while, on the stage, they became professional dancers showing off their body skills and emotions for the flamenco art. Very impressive. “I want to be like them” was the first thought coming out on my mind after their great performance.

So I am very looking forward to the next session to keep practicing it. I hope one day I can catch up them to be a descent flamenco dancer.


