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Jose Luis 
星期日, 二月 16, 2014 08:10  回覆

Hola chicas!


Carmen Amaya

Carmen Amaya was born in Barcelona in 1913 and died on the 19th November 1963. She was a gypsy dancer who was to become one of the most outstanding “bailaoras” (female flamenco dancers) of the twentieth century; she was also one of the most imitated.

Her hard masculine style of dance was often copied, but many believe she was inimitable and to this day there has never been a dancer to match her ferocious style of dance. Her fast rattling foot work became her trait and it is said that on several occasions she actually put her foot through the stage while performing. She will be remembered as the dancer who wore the Traje corto, a tight fitting suit, which was normally only been worn by men; her style of dance was far from feminine.

Carmen Amaya created a deeply personal style of dance that was so individual and this along with her manly image and legs of steel became her trademark. She revolutionized female flamenco dance and broke many of the rules and traditions of the old style dance, and there were, therefore, those who criticized her non-conformist style.

Carmen Amaya danced with the flowing ease of a serpent, twisting and arching her body as she turned with such speed and perfection, driven by what appeared to be an almost animal instinct. She was described a “Soul, pure soul”; by the Mirador newspaper in 1929 and her legend grew increasingly where ever she went.